Editorial “Gazeta Optyka” supports VPO24

It is our pleasure to announce that a leading Polish editorial “Gazeta Optyka” is now supporting VPO24. On this occasion we thought you might find their report on VPO14 (yes, it’s been ten years) interesting.

Below please find the English translation:

VPOptics 2014 – a conference full of magic, illusion and science.

In August this year Wrocław University of Science and Technology hosted the Seventh European Meeting combined with the First World Meeting of Visual and Physiological Optics (VPOptics 2014). The meeting took place on the 175th anniversary of the creation of the world’s first university department of physiology in Wrocław by Jan Purkyně. VPOptics 2014 was organized by professors D. Robert Iskander and Henryk Kasprzak.

Gazeta Optyka 2014